Khebab, also known locally as Kyinkyinga is gradually gaining grounds in Ghana after American Rap Goddess, Cardi B chewed some. According to trending news, this American lady chewed the Kyinkyinga for 7 straight hours. The chewing of the Khebab did not go well with some top celebs in Ghana. They fumed on why Cardi B failed to see them. This particular brouhaha set social media on fire. At the end, it is a great business opportunity for Government to invest into.
Interestingly, latest information reaching us from our correspondence from the seat of Government indicates that the 1 District 1 Factory coordinator is keen on establishing 200 Kyinkyinga factories in Accra, Bolga and Kumasi.
So don't be very surprise when you see more Khebab or Kyinkyinga scattered across your town.