Erectile dysfunction is something that destroyed most family. Most of the married woman and woman has been separated because of this issue. Is big problem, for man not to perform well on bed. No matter how we care for our wives, we must be capable to function well on bed.
how to get out of this problem, All you need is to get guava leaves(Yoruba call it ewe gurofa) and pawpaw leave(ewe ibepe).
Wash both leaves properly, after put it in pot and pour water to it ,put it on fire and let it use up to 30 minute.Drink it in the early morning before eat and in night before sleep. Take it constant for up to 7 days, you will see miracle.
-Water(clean water)
-What's more, bottle (little jug)
-Simply cut all the kolanut into the jug
-Put it (kolanut) inside the jug
-Fill the jug with water
-You will begin drinking it following 3 days of readiness.
-You will drink it twice (2 times each day) morning and night for 3days.
You will see the progressions before that three days.
What you need is to focus on your lifestyle, stay away from anything that can influence your sexual life.
Love your woman, so this common strategy can work for you. And dont forget to share and comment below