There is a rumour going around in Twifo Atti Mokwa District, in particular Twifo Praso and Topp that there are new cases of Covid-19 been recorded.
According to the rumours circulating around, there are 10 cases recorded in Twifo Praso and 6 in Topp. Though it has not yet been confirmed and announced officially.
The opportunity that there might be cases in its nearby vicinities like Ntafrewaso, Aduabeng, Mampong, Hemang and so forth is excessive.
However, an ambulance was seen this afternoon, rushing the suspected victims to hospital for verification and confirmation.
Well, this post is to create awareness to the people in Twifo Atti Mokwa District and its neighborhood that Covid-19 is real and it is within us so we must be very careful.
Therefore, we urge each and everyone of you to adhere to the directives and protective measures laid down to shrink the novel Covid-19.
EntzPub advocate, you employ the nose masks, live interior if you don't have anything to do outdoor, exercising social distancing, wash your hands regularly with cleaning soap under running water.
Please we tremendously advise you to share this information to create awareness to other people. Thank you.
New Covid-19 Cases Recorded in Twifo-Atti-Mokwa District
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